Submitted by visual on Wed, 11/23/2016 - 16:36
There are 4 different paths for IQNet’s auditor registration:
1 – If you are already an auditor qualified by IQNet Ltd, you are automatically included in the ACS as a registered auditor (only applicable to auditors qualified by IQNet Ltd Representatives);
2 – If you are already an auditor qualified by one of IQNet’s Partners, you simply request that certification body to upload your data into the platform (only applicable for auditors qualified by
IQNet Partners participating in the ACS);
3 – If you are already qualified as an auditor by a personnel certification body, you can check the possibility to be registered (only applicable to auditors certified by personnel certification bodies with an agreement with IQNet Ltd);
4 – If you have successfully attended an auditor training course, you can request the ACS Auditor Pack through and apply for registration (only applicable to training courses recognized under
IQNet Academy,